Press Room

  UPDATE!  8/1/11
Version 1.2 of TempElert Spectrum is now available -

New Features:
The Internet query interval is now selectable on a per-device basis. In the previous version, the query interval was fixed at 30 seconds. In this version the Add Device and Configure Device dialogs have a drop-down list control that allows the user to select from ten pre-set query intervals from 30 seconds to 1 hour.
Bug Fixes:
The "O" and "C" switch state indicators on the graph display secondary Y axis were plotted incorrectly.
Some initial alarm and high/low states were not being reported correctly at program launch.
 The charts would not show initial values until the first query interval elapsed -- changed to update immediately on launch.
 More memory savings have been introduced by optimizing code routines.
Changes to existing features:
 This version of the installers (both Win32 and x64) will only overwrite certain files on specified conditions. This will allow the installer to be used to update current installations without forcing the user to re-configure TempElert Spectrum.
 Infotips in the chart legends and chart data points have been expanded to be more informative.

Registered users should check the download links provided at support here

NEW! 7/15/2011 TempElert SPECTRUM enterprise level monitoring software introduced.

TempElert Spectrum can handle dozens to hundreds of probes and dozens to hundreds of locations, limited only by your network and system resources.
It is the most feature rich and configurable monitoring program we offer and is designed to be easy to configure and use, yet powerful in execution. It is our third generation product, tapping years of experience.

TempElert Spectrum can monitor devices at your business on your LAN, or far flung devices spread to facilities worldwide!

This product is the result of our years of experiences and thousands of installations of TempElert Standard edition. We took the most requested features, combined it with the ability to monitor multiple devices and probes, added false alarm protection along with advanced messaging and logging features, and created what we believe to be the most flexible, robust, and powerful Windows based environmental monitoring application available today.

Priced at $199 See the details here


NEW! 3/21/2011 TempElert USB Digital Alerting Thermometer/HygrometerWill send email, pager, cellphone alerts in temperature, humidity, and dewpoint over/under conditions which you set. Runs in the background on any Windows XP or newer PC or server. Fully configurable, multiple recipients, and offers a free PC shutdown program you can run remotely if you need to shutdown your server room. Useful also for monitoring refrigeration systems, HVAC, greenhouses, wine cellars, or any situation where temperature and humidity out of safe range can cause you problems. Simple 1 minute install, plugs into a spare USB port on your PC and can be extended with optional extension cables. Set and forget with peace of mind knowing you will be alerted if things get too hot, cold, dry, or wet.

ONLY See the details here

Older News:

New TempElert Standard V2.6 with voice dialer support and many new features released

The latest version of our software features many new upgades and features designed to make your mission critical temperature alerting even more robust and versatile:


  • THE MOST REQUESTED FEATURE! Support for our Optional Automatic Voice Dialer - TempElert can now make a telephone call and delivery of pre-recorded voice messages to any regular telephone, cell phone, or voice pager. Support for multiple recipient numbers and remote cancel features are included. Purchase our Automatic Voice Dialer at This device offers an improved level of alerting by using the telephone to succeed where emails and pager text messages may not.

Voice Dialer Add-On Package - calls you anywhere via telephone or pager

  • Version 2.3 fixes a problem related to using non-standard serial ports with the model F. Now you can use any COM port number, and assign it to the display.. You can also use non standard serial ports like USB to serial port converters. You can use two model F's with TempElert, each supporting two probes.
  • Support for Cryomonitor TempTrax hardware, for ultra-low temperature monitoring.
  • New photo realistic thermometer controls on main screen
  • Support for use of either IP addresses or machine name URL's for the hardware device, this allows assignment of a name to your TempTrax E42.382.316 device using your DNS server to be easier to remember for browser or remote checking...for example our demo device at can be used in place of the IP address.
  • Server 2003 compatibility - TempElert now functions with Microsoft Server 2003
  • Support for HTTP ports other than port 80, TempTrax hardware models E4, E8, and E16 can be set to use any port for HTTP requests, this enhances security and keep external views from occurring unless the port number is known.
  • Support for Kelvin temperature unit displays in addition to C and F
  • New E-Mail test and Pager test functions - this allows you to test the email and pager emails without waiting for an alert to happen first. It is very useful for troubleshooting email confusion to ensure you have SMTP server settings entered correctly.
  • Spurious Alarm Filtering (false alarm prevention) for each probe. This allows you to set a "must detect consecutively X number of times" value before alerts are displayed, or sent via email, pager, or voice dialup. This is useful for situation where somebody just opens a door briefly and causes a brief temperature spike, but is not an actual alarm situation yet.







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